
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lesson well learned by Denesha

              Lesson well learned,God!

 About a month ago, late June, most of Maryland experienced one powerful storm, formally called by seasoned meteorologists a Derecho, which by definition is a wide- spread, long-lived wind storm. Sitting in our dining room while bracing the  spontaneous storm that is exactly what we experienced. Strong thunder clashes rocked the house, lightning lit up the sky, and hail bounced off the windows, tensions were high. 
Everyone,(namely me and my sisters) assumed the worst, as the storm continued to rage my Father reminded us of the reason of storms such as this, sin. We couldn't imagine the garden with derecho's because there weren't any, but because of sin storms like these happen, amongst other calamities. After enduring the rough week of traveling from  house to house, waiting to get our power restored and the paranoia of every severe thunderstorm, we finally went home and eventually things got back to normal. Lesson well learned though, every time we think were independent or God's a distant memory he reminds of his might and strength, conveying our weakness. He reminds us how we should rely and turn to him in our time of need. In cases like this Derecho we had no  control whatsoever of the occurrences that took place, that's why we hooked up our prayer line.

Pray without ceasing. 1Th 5:17



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